List of publications related to JLDG
T. Kabelitz, W. Kamleh, D. Leinweber,
Quark mass effects in octet baryon magnetic polarisabilities via lattice QCD,
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2410.15632 /
Y. Lyu, T. Doi, T. Hatsuda, T. Sugiura,
Nucleon-charmonium interactions from lattice QCD,
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2410.22755 /
R. Akaho, H. Nagakura, T. Foglizzo,
Detectability of Late-time Supernova Neutrinos with Fallback Accretion onto Protoneutron Star,
Astrophys.J. 960 (2024) 2, 116.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2304.11150 /
R. Akaho, J. Liu, H. Nagakura, M. Zaizen, S.~Yamada,
Collisional and fast neutrino flavor instabilities in two-dimensional core-collapse supernova simulation with
Boltzmann neutrino transport,
Phys.Rev.D 109 (2024) 2, 023012.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2311.11272 /
R. Tsuji, Y. Aoki, K.-I. Ishikawa, Y. Kuramashi, S. Sasaki, K. Sato, E. Shintani, H. Watanabe, T. Yamazaki (PACS
Nucleon form factors in $N_f=2+1$ lattice QCD at the physical point: Finite lattice spacing effect on the
root-mean-square radii,
Phys.Rev.D 109 (2024) 9, 094505.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2311.10345 /
M. Hanada, H. Ohata, H. Shimada, H. Watanabe,
A New Perspective on Thermal Transition in QCD,
PTEP 2024 (2024) 4, 041B02.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2310.01940 /
K. Murakami, S. Aoki,
Study on Lambda(1405) in the flavor SU(3) limit in the HAL QCD method,
PoS LATTICE2023 (2024) 063.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2311.17421 /
JLQCD Collaboration:, S. Aoki, Y. Aoki, H. Fukaya*, S. Hashimoto, I. Kanamori, T. Kaneko, K. Suzuki, D. Ward, Y.
Chiral susceptibility and axial U(1) anomaly near the (pseudo-)critical temperature,
PoS LATTICE2023 (2024) 184.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2401.06459 /
F. Di Renzo,
The International Lattice Data Grid (ILDG 2.0),
PoS LATTICE2023 (2024) 112.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2401.14752 /
M. Hasegawa,
Monopoles, spectra of overlap fermions, and eta-prime meson in external magnetic fields,
Theor.Math.Phys. 219 (2024) 3, 1018-1047.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2212.03322 /
J. Liu, H. Nagakura, R. Akaho, A. Ito, M. Zaizen, S. Yamada,
Universality of the neutrino collisional flavor instability in core-collapse supernovae,
Phys. Rev. D 108, 123024 (2023).
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2310.05050 /
H. Nagakura,
Global features of fast neutrino-flavor conversion in binary neutron star mergers,
Phys. Rev. D 108, 103014 (2023).
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2306.10108 /
H. Nagakura,
Roles of Fast Neutrino-Flavor Conversion on the Neutrino-Heating Mechanism of Core-Collapse Supernova,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 211401 (2023).
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2301.10785 /
T. Aoki, S. Aoki, T. Inoue,
Lattice study on a tetra-quark state $T_{bb}$ in the HAL QCD method,
Phys.Rev.D 108 (2023) 5, 054502.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2306.03565 /
S. Aoki, T. Aoki,
Lattice study on a tetraquark state $T_{bb}$ in the HAL QCD method,
PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 049.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2212.00202 /
M. Hasegawa,
Monopole and Instanton Effects on Connected and Disconnected Correlations for Scalar Density,
Phys. Atom. Nuclei 86, 894-900 (2023).
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2212.09691 /
M. Hasegawa,
Monopole and Instanton Effects on Connected and Disconnected Correlations for Scalar Density,
Phys. Atom. Nuclei 86, 894-900 (2023).
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2212.09691 /
Y. Lyu, S. Aoki, T. Doi, T. Hatsuda, Y. Ikeda, J. Meng,
Doubly charmed tetraquark T+cc from Lattice QCD near Physical Point,
Phys.Rev.Lett. 131 (2023) 16, 161901.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2302.04505 /
Y. Akahoshi, S. Aoki,
Interaction potentials for two-particle states with non-zero total momenta in lattice QCD,
Phys.Rev.D 108 (2023) 3, 034510.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2301.06038 /
G. Bali et al.,
Lattice gauge ensembles and data management,
PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 203.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2212.10138 /
F. Karsch, H. Simma, T. Yoshie,
The International Lattice Data Grid -- towards FAIR Data,
PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 244.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2212.08392 /
T. Yamazaki et al. for PACS Collab.,
Momentum transfer dependence of kaon semileptonic form factor on (10 fm)4 at the physical point,
PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 425.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2212.00255 /
K. Sato, H. Watanabe, T. Yamazaki,
Calculation of the pion charge radius from an improved model-independent method,
PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 122.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2212.00207 /
R. Tsuji, Y. Aoki, K.-I. Ishikawa, Y. Kuramashi, S. Sasaki, E. Shintani, T. Yamazaki,
Towards the continuum limit of nucleon form factors at the physical point using lattice QCD,
PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 127.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2211.04706 /
K. Sumiyoshi, S. Furusawa, H. Nagakura, A. Harada, H. Togashi, K. Nakazato, H. Suzuki,
Effects of nuclear matter and composition in core-collapse supernovae and long-term
proto-neutron star cooling,
PTEP 2023 (2023) 1, 013E02.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2209.02474 /
T. Aoyama et al.,
Bridge++ 2.0: Benchmark results on supercomputer Fugaku, PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 284.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2303.05883 /
R. Akaho et al.,
Protoneutron Star Convection Simulated with a New General Relativistic Boltzmann Neutrino Radiation
Hydrodynamics Code,
Astrophys.J. 944 (2023) 1, 60.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2206.01673 /
H. Nagakura, M. Zaizen,
Connecting small-scale to large-scale structures of fast neutrino-flavor conversion,
Phys.Rev.D 107 (2023) 6, 063033.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2211.01398 /
K. Murakami, Y. Akahoshi, S. Aoki, T. Doi, K. Sasaki,
Lattice QCD studies on decuplet baryons as meson-baryon bound states in the HAL QCD method,
PTEP 2023 (2023) 4, 043B05.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2210.05395 /
H. Bahtiyar,
Electromagnetic Structure of Spin-1/2 Doubly Charmed Baryons in Lattice QCD,
Phys.Rev.D 108 (2023) 3, 034504.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2209.05361 /
M. Hasegawa,
Color confinement, chiral symmetry breaking, and catalytic effect induced
by monopole and instanton creations, Eur. Phys. J. C 82 (2022) 1040.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2203.11357 /
M. Hasegawa,
Instanton effects on chiral symmetry breaking and hadron spectroscopy,
PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 397.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2201.00431 /
K. Kanaya, M. Shirogane, S. Ejiri, R. Iwami, M. Kitazawa, H. Suzuki, Y. Taniguchi, T. Umeda,
Latent heat and pressure gap at the first-order deconfining phase transition of SU(3) Yang-Mills theory using
the small flow-time expansion method,
PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 064.
(using public ensembles on JLDG)
[ arXiv:2110.10900 /
K.-I. Ishikawa, I. Kanamori, H. Matsufuru,
Multigrid solver on Fugaku,
PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 278.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2112.00501 /
W. Iwakami et al.,
Principal-axis Analysis of the Eddington Tensor for the Early
Post-bounce Phase of Rotational Core-collapse Supernovae,
Astrophys.J. 933 (2022) 1, 91.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2109.05846 /
K. Sugiura, S. Furusawa, K. Sumiyoshi, S. Yamada,
Leptonic and semi-leptonic neutrino interactions with muons in the proto-neutron star cooling,
PTEP 2022 (2022) 11, 113E01.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2211.06944 /
R. Tsuji, N. Tsukamoto, Y. Aoki, K. Ishikawa, Y. Kuramashi, S. Sasaki, E. Shintani, T. Yamazaki,
Nucleon isovector couplings in Nf = 2 + 1 lattice QCD at the physical point,
Phys.Rev.D 106 (2022) 9, 094505.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2207.11914 /
Ken-ichi Ishikawaet al. for PACS Collab.,
K(l3) form factors at the physical point: Toward the continuum limit,
Phys.Rev.D 106 (2022) 9, 9.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2206.08654 /
H. Nagakura,
General-Relativistic Quantum-Kinetics Neutrino Transport,
Phys.Rev.D 106 (2022) 6, 063011.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2206.04098 /
H. Nagakura, M. Zaizen,
Time-dependent and quasi-steady features of fast neutrino-flavor conversion,
Phys.Rev.Lett. 129 (2022) 26, 261101.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2206.04097 /
Y. Lyu, T. Doi, T. Hatsuda, Y. Ikeda, J. Meng, K. Sasaki, T. Sugiura,
Attractive N-\phi Interaction and Two-Pion Tail from Lattice QCD near Physical Point,
Phys.Rev.D 106 (2022) 7, 074507.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2205.10544 /
T. Sugiura, Y. Akahoshi, T. Aoyama, T. M. Doi, T. Doi.
Nuclear force with LapH smearing,
PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 565.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2202.12532 /
Y. Lyu, H. Tong, T. Sugiura, S. Aoki, T. Doi, T. Hatsuda, J. Meng, T. Miyamoto,
Optimized two-baryon operators in lattice QCD,
Phys.Rev.D 105 (2022) 7, 074512.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2201.02782 /
A. Francis, P. De Forcrand, R. Lewis, K. Maltman,
Good and bad diquark properties and spatial correlations in lattice QCD,
Rev.Mex.Fis.Suppl. 3 (2022) 3, 0308082.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2201.03332 /
T. Doi, Y. Lyu, H. Tong et al.,
Finite volume analysis on systematics of the derivative expansion in HAL QCD method,
PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 564.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2112.04997 /
Y. Lyu, H. Tong et al.,
Most charming dibaryon near unitarity,
PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 606.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2112.01682 /
S. Aoki and Y. Akahoshi,
HAL QCD potentials with non-zero total momentum and an application to the $I=2$ $\pi\pi$ scattering,
PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 546.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2112.00929 /
K. Murakami, Y. Akahoshi, S. Aoki et al.,
Investigations of decuplet baryons from meson-baryon interactions in the HAL QCD method,
PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 345.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2111.15563 /
K. Watanabe,
Quark-diquark potential and diquark mass from Lattice QCD
Phys.Rev.D 105 (2022) 7, 074510.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2111.15167 /
Y. Akahoshi, S. Aoki and T. Doi,
Emergence of the rho resonance from the HAL QCD potential
Phys.Rev.D 105 (2022) 7, 074510.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2111.15138 /
W. Iwakami, A. Harada, H. Nagakura et al.,
Principal-Axis Analysis of the Eddington Tensor for the Early Post-Bounce Phase of Rotational Core-Collapse
Astrophys.J. 933 (2022) 1, 91.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2109.05846 /
K. Nakazato, F. Nakanishi, M. Harada et al.,
Observing Supernova Neutrino Light Curves with Super-Kamiokande: II. Impact of the Nuclear Equation of
Astrophys.J. 925 (2022) 1, 98.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2108.03009 /
A. Francis, P. de Forcrand, R. Lewis et al.,
Diquark properties from full QCD lattice simulations
JHEP 05 (2022) 062.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2106.09080 /
S. Aoki, Y. Aoki, H. Fukaya et al.,
Role of axial U(1) anomaly in chiral susceptibility of QCD at high temperature
PTEP 2022 (2022) 2, 023B05.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2103.05954 /
H. Sotani and K. Sumiyoshi,
Stability of the protoneutron stars toward black hole formation
Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 507 (2021) 2, 2766-2776.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2108.02484 /
H. Bahtiyar,
$\Lambda_c \to \Lambda$ Form Factors in Lattice QCD,
Turk.J.Phys. 45 (2021) 4.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2107.13909 /
K. Watanabe and N. Ishii,
Building diquark model from Lattice QCD,
Contribution to APFB2020 (2021)
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2105.07969 /
K. Nakazato, K. Sumiyoshi, H. Togashi,
Numerical Study of Stellar Core Collapse and Neutrino Emission
Using the Nuclear Equation of State Obtained by the Variational Method,
Publ.Astron.Soc.Jap. 73 (2021) 3, 639-651.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2103.14386 /
Y. Lyu, H. Tong, T. Sugiura et al.,
Dibaryon with highest charm number near unitarity from lattice QCD,
Phys.Rev.Lett. 127 (2021) 7, 072003.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2102.00181 /
S. Aoki, Y. Aoki, G. Cossu et al.,
Study of the axial U(1) anomaly at high temperature with lattice
chiral fermions,
Phys.Rev.D 103 (2021) 7, 074506.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2011.01499 /
K. Sumiyoshi, S. Fujibayashi, Y. Sekiguchi et al.,
Properties of neutrino transfer in a deformed remnant of neutron
star merger
Astrophys.J. 907 (2021) 2, 92.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2010.10865 /
R. Akaho, A. Harada, H. Nagakura et al.,
Multidimensional Boltzmann Neutrino Transport Code in Full
General Relativity for Core-collapse Simulations,
Astrophys.J. 909 (2021) 2, 210.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2010.10780 /
I. Kanamori, K.-I. Ishikawa, H. Matsufuru,
Object-oriented implementation of algebraic multi-grid solver
for lattice QCD on SIMD architectures and GPU clusters,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12953 (2021) 218-233.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2111.05012 /
K. Sumiyoshi,
Equation of state and neutrino transfer in supernovae and neutron stars,
Eur.Phys.J.A 57 (2021) 12, 331.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2112.11159 /
H. Bahtiyar, K. U. Can, G. Erkol et al.,
Charmed baryon spectrum from lattice QCD near the physical point,
Phys.Rev.D 102 (2020) 5, 054513.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2004.08999 /
W. Iwakami, H. Okawa, H. Nagakura et al.,
Simulations of the Early Post-Bounce Phase of Core-Collapse Supernovae
in Three-Dimensional Space with Full Boltzmann Neutrino Transport,
Astrophys.J. 903 (2020) 2, 82.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2004.02091 /
Y. Akahoshi, S. Aoki, T. Aoyama et al.,
The HAL QCD potential in $I=1$ $\pi \pi$ system with the $\rho$ meson bound state,
PTEP 2020 (2020) 7, 073B07.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2004.01356 /
A. Harada, H. Nagakura, W. Iwakami et al.,
The Boltzmann-radiation-hydrodynamics Simulations of Core-collapse
Supernovae with Different Equations of State: the Role of Nuclear
Composition and the Behavior of Neutrinos
Astrophys.J. 902 (2020) 2, 150.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2003.08630 /
J. Hu, S. Bao, Y. Zhang et al.,
Effects of symmetry energy on the radius and tidal deformability of neutron stars in relativistic mean-field
PTEP 2020 (2020) 4, 043D01.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:2002.00562 /
K. Sasaki, S. Aoki, T. Doi et al.,
$\Lambda\Lambda$ and N$\Xi$ interactions from Lattice QCD near the physical point,
Nucl.Phys.A 998 (2020) 121737
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1912.08630 /
Y. Taniguchi, S. Ejiri, K. Kanaya et al. (WHOT-QCD Collaboration)
$N_f=2+1$ QCD thermodynamics with gradient flow using two-loop
matching coefficients,
Phys. Rev. D 102 (2020) 014510, Phys.Rev.D 102 (2020) 5, 059903 (erratum).
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ DOI:10.1103/PhysRevD.102.014510 ,
10.1103/PhysRevD.102.059903 /
Kazuyuki Kanaya, Atsushi Baba, Asobu Suzuki et al.,
Study of $2+1$ flavor finite-temperature QCD using improved
Wilson quarks at the physical point with the gradient flow,
PoS (LATTICE 2019) (2020) 088.
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ DOI:10.22323/1.363.0088 /
M. Hasegawa,
Monopole and instanton effects in QCD,
J. High Energy Phys, 09 (2020) 113.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1807.04808 /
S. Abbar, H. Duan, K. Sumiyoshi et al.,
Fast Neutrino Flavor Conversion Modes in Multidimensional Core-collapse
Supernova Models: the Role of the Asymmetric Neutrino Distributions,
Phys.Rev.D 101 (2020) 4, 043016
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1911.01983 /
M. Delfan Azari, S. Yamada, T. Morinaga et al.,
Fast collective neutrino oscillations inside the neutrino sphere
in core-collapse supernovae,
Phys.Rev.D 101 (2020) 2, 023018.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1910.06176 /
T. Morinaga, H. Nagakura, C. Kato and S. Yamada,
A new possibility of the fast neutrino-flavor conversion in the pre-shock region of core-collapse
Phys.Rev.Res. 2 (2020) 1, 012046.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1909.13131 /
Y. Akahoshi, S. Aoki, T. Aoyama et al.,
Study of the pion-pion scatterings with a combination of all-to-all
propagators and the HAL QCD method,
PoS LATTICE2019 (2019) 058.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1911.12539 /
H. Nagakura, T. Morinaga, C. Kato et al.,
Fast-pairwise collective neutrino oscillations associated with
asymmetric neutrino emissions in core-collapse supernova,
Astrophys.J. 886 (2019) 2, 139.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1910.04288 /
H. Sotani and K. Sumiyoshi,
Determination of properties of protoneutron stars toward black hole
formation via gravitational wave observations,
Phys.Rev.D 100 (2019) 8, 083008.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1909.11816 /
K. Sumiyoshi, K. Nakazato, H. Suzuki et al.,
Influence of density dependence of symmetry energy in hot and dense matter for supernova simulations,
Astrophys.J. 887 (2019) 110.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1908.02928 /
H. Nagakura, K. Sumiyoshi and S. Yamada,
Possible early linear acceleration of proto-neutron stars via
asymmetric neutrino emission in core-collapse supernovae,
Astrophys.J.Lett. 880 (2019) 2, L28.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1907.04863 /
H. Nagakura, K. Sumiyoshi and S. Yamada,
Three-Dimensional Boltzmann-Hydro Code for core-collapse in massive
stars III. A New method for momentum feedback from neutrino to matter
Astrophys.J. 878 (2019) 2, 160.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1906.10143 /
T. Sugiura, Y. Ikeda, and N. Ishii,
Lattice QCD Study of the Nucleon-Charmonium Interaction,
JPS Conf.Proc. 26 (2019) 031015.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1905.03934 /
T. Sugiura, Y. Ikeda and N. Ishii,
Charmonium-nucleon interactions from 2+1 flavor lattice QCD,
PoS LATTICE2018 (2019) 093.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1905.02336 /
Y. Suwa , K. Sumiyoshi , K. Nakazato et al.,
Observing Supernova Neutrino Light Curves with Super-Kamiokande:
Expected Event Number over 10 s,
Astrophys.J. 881 (2019) 139.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1904.09996 /
M. Delfan Azari, S. Yamada, T. Morinaga et al.,
Linear Analysis of Fast-Pairwise Collective Neutrino Oscillations in
Core-Collapse Supernovae based on the Results of Boltzmann Simulations
Phys.Rev.D 99 (2019) 10, 103011.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1902.07467 /
H. Nagakura, S. Furusawa, H. Togashi et al.,
Comparing treatments of weak reactions with nuclei in simulations of core-collapse supernovae
Astrophys.J.Suppl. 240 (2019) 2, 38.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1812.09811 /
T. Iritani, S. Aoki, T. Doi et al.,
Consistency between L\"uscher's finite volume method and HAL QCD method for two-baryon systems in lattice
JHEP 03 (2019) 007.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1812.08539 /
K. Takahashi, K. Sumiyoshi, S. Yamada et al.,
The Evolution towards Electron-capture Supernovae: the Flame Propagation and the Pre-bounce Electron-neutrino
Astrophys.J. 871 (2019) 2, 153.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1812.07175 /
S. Abbar, H. Duan, K. Sumiyoshi et al.,
On the occurrence of fast neutrino flavor conversions in multidimensional supernova models
Phys.Rev.D 100 (2019) 4, 043004.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1812.06883 /
A. Harada, H. Nagakura, W. Iwakami et al.,
On the Neutrino Distributions in Phase Space for the Rotating Core-collapse Supernova Simulated with a
Boltzmann-neutrino-radiation-hydrodynamics Code,
Astrophys.J. 872 (2019) 2, 181.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1810.12316 /
T. Iritani, S. Aoki, T. Doi et al.,
$N\Omega$ dibaryon from lattice QCD near the physical point,
Phys.Lett.B 792 (2019) 284-289.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1810.03416 /
H. Nemura,
Hyperon-Nucleon Interaction from Lattice QCD at ${(m_\pi,m_K)\approx(146,525)}$ MeV,
AIP Conf.Proc. 2130 (2019) 1, 040005.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1810.04046 /
T. Inoue, Strange Nuclear Physics from QCD on Lattice,
AIP Conf.Proc. 2130 (2019) 1, 020002.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1809.08932 /
T. Iritani, S. Aoki, T. Doi et al.,
Systematics of the HAL QCD Potential at Low Energies in Lattice QCD,
Phys.Rev.D 99 (2019) 1, 014514.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1805.02365 /
A. Baba, S. Ejiri, K. Kanaya et al.,
Calculation of PCAC mass with Wilson fermion using gradient flow,
PoS (LATTICE 2019) (2019) 191.
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ DOI:10.22323/1.363.0191 /
A. Baba, S. Ejiri, K. Kanaya et al.,
Measuring of chiral susceptibility using gradient flow,
PoS (LATTICE 2018) (2019) 173 .
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ DOI:10.22323/1.334.0173 /
Y. Taniguchi, A. Baba, S. Ejiri et al.,
Study of energy-momentum tensor correlation function in $N_f=2+1$
full QCD for QGP viscosities,
PoS (LATTICE 2018) (2019) 166 .
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ DOI:10.22323/1.334.0166 /
M. Zaizen, T. Yoshida, K. Sumiyoshi et al.,
Collective neutrino oscillations and detectabilities in failed supernovae,
Phys.Rev.D 98 (2018) 10, 103020.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1811.03320 /
T. Sugiura, Y. Ikeda, and N. Ishii,
Charmonium-nucleon interactions from the time-dependent HAL QCD method,
EPJ Web Conf. 175 (2018) 05011.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1711.11219 /
H. Nemura, S. Aoki, T. Doi et al.,
Baryon interactions from lattice QCD with physical masses --- strangeness $S=-1$ sector ---,
EPJ Web Conf. 175 (2018) 05030.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1711.07003 /
T. Doi, T. Iritani, S. Aoki et al.,
Baryon interactions from lattice QCD with physical quark masses
-- Nuclear forces and $\Xi\Xi$ forces --,
EPJ Web Conf. 175 (2018) 05009.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1711.01952 /
S. Horiuchi, K. Sumiyoshi, K. Nakamura et al.,
Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background from extensive core-collapse simulations of $8$-$100 {\rm M}_\odot$
Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 475 (2018) 1, 1363-1374.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1709.06567 /
S. Gongyo, K. Sasaki, S. Aoki et al.,
Most Strange Dibaryon from Lattice QCD,
Phys.Rev.Lett. 120 (2018) 21, 212001.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1709.00654 /
Y. Ikeda ,
The Tetraquark Candidate Zc(3900) from Dynamical Lattice QCD Simulations,
J.Phys.G 45 (2018) 2, 024002.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1706.07300 /
H. Nagakura, W. Iwakami, S. Furusawa et al.,
Simulations of core-collapse supernovae in spatial axisymmetry
with full Boltzmann neutrino transport,
Astrophys.J. 854 (2018) 2, 136.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1702.01752 /
K. Kanaya, S. Ejiri, R. Iwami, M. Kitazawa, H. Suzuki, Y. Taniguchi, T. Umeda [WHOT-QCD Collaboration],
Equation of state in $(2+1)$-flavor QCD at physical point with improved Wilson fermion action using gradient
EPJ Web of Conferences 175, ref.07023, pp.1-8 (2018).
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ DOI:10.1051/epjconf/201817507023 /
Y. Taniguchi, S. Ejiri, K. Kanaya, M. Kitazawa, A. Suzuki, H. Suzuki, T. Umeda, [WHOT-QCD Collaboration],
Energy-momentum tensor correlation function in $N_f=2+1$ full QCD at finite temperature,
EPJ Web of Conferences 175, ref.07013, pp.1-8 (2018).
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ DOI:10.1051/epjconf/201817507013 /
S. Furusawa, H. Togashi, H. Nagakura et al.,
A new equation of state for core-collapse supernovae based on
realistic nuclear forces and including a full nuclear ensemble,
J.Phys.G 44 (2017) 9, 094001.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1707.06410 /
K. Sasaki, S. Aoki, T. Doi et al.,
Baryon interactions from lattice QCD with physical masses
-- $S=-2$ sector --,
PoS LATTICE2016 (2017) 116.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1702.06241 /
N. Ishii, S. Aoki, T. Doi et al.,
Baryon interactions from lattice QCD with physical masses ---S=-3 sector: XiSigma and XiLambda-XiSigma---
PoS LATTICE2016 (2017) 127.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1702.03495 /
T. Doi, S. Aoki, S. Gongyo et al.,
Baryon interactions from lattice QCD with physical masses
-- Overview and $S = 0, -4$ sectors --,
PoS LATTICE2016 (2017) 110.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1702.01600 /
H. Nemura, S. Aoki, T. Doi et al.,
Lambda-Nucleon and Sigma-Nucleon interactions from lattice QCD with
physical masses,
PoS LATTICE2016 (2017) 101.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv: /
S. Furusawa, H. Nagakura, K. Sumiyoshi et al.,
Dependence of weak interaction rates on the nuclear composition
during stellar core collapse,
Phys.Rev.C 95 (2017) 2, 025809.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1701.08414 /
S. Furusawa, K. Sumiyoshi, S. Yamada et al.,
Supernova equations of state including full nuclear ensemble with
in-medium effects,
Nucl.Phys.A 957 (2017) 188-207.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1612.01852 /
Y. Aoki, T. Aoyama, E. Bennett et al.,
Light flavor-singlet scalars and walking signals in $N_f=8$ QCD on the lattice,
Phys.Rev.D 96 (2017) 1, 014508.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1610.07011 /
Y. Taniguchi, S. Ejiri, R. Iwami et al.,
Exploring Nf=2+1 QCD thermodynamics from the gradient flow,
Phys.Rev.D 96 (2017) 1, 014509, Phys.Rev.D 99 (2019) 5, 059904 (erratum).
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1609.01417 /
H. Nagakura, W. Iwakami, S. Furusawa et al.,
Three-dimensional Boltzmann-Hydro code for core-collapse in massive
stars II. The Implementation of moving-mesh for neutron star kicks,
Astrophys.J.Suppl. 229 (2017) 2, 42.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1605.00666 /
H. Nemura, S. Aoki, T. Doi et al.,
A Fast Algorithm for Lattice Hyperonic Potentials,
JPS Conf.Proc. 17 (2017) 052002.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1604.08346 /
T. Doi, S. Aoki, S. Gongyo et al.,
Towards Lattice QCD Baryon Forces at the Physical Point: First Results,
JPS Conf.Proc. 17 (2017) 052001.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1512.04199 /
Y. Aoki, T. Aoyama, E. Bennett et al. for LatKmi Collaboration,
Lattice study of the scalar and baryon spectra in many-flavor QCD,
Int.J.Mod.Phys.A 32 (2017) 35, 1747010.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1510.07373 /
K. Kanaya, S. Ejiri, R. Iwami, M. Kitazawa, H. Suzuki, Y. Taniguchi,
T. Umeda, and N. Wakabayashi,
Equation of state in $(2+1)$-flavor QCD with gradient flow,
PoS (LATTICE 2016) 063, pp.1-7 (2017).
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ DOI:10.22323/1.256.0063 /
Y. Taniguchi, K. Kanaya, H. Suzuki, and T. Umeda,
Topological susceptibility in finite temperature $(2+1)$-flavor
QCD using gradient flow,
Phys. Rev. D 95, 054502 pp.1-8 (2017).
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ DOI:10.1103/PhysRevD.95.054502 /
T. Umeda, S. Ejiri, R. Iwami, K. Kanaya, H. Ohno, A. Uji,
N. Wakabayashi, and S. Yoshida,
O(4) scaling analysis in two-flavor QCD at finite temperature
and density with improved Wilson,
PoS (LATTICE 2016) 376, pp.1-7 (2017).
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ DOI:10.22323/1.256.0376 /
T. Inoue for HAL QCD Collaboration,
Hyperon single-particle potentials from QCD on lattice,
PoS INPC2016 (2016) 277.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1612.08399 /
Y. Taniguchi, S. Ejiri, K. Kanaya et al.,
Temperature dependence of topological susceptibility using gradient flow,
PoS LATTICE2016 (2016) 064.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1611.02413 /
K. Nochi, T. Kawanai, S. Sasaki,
Bethe-Salpeter wave functions of $\eta_c(2S)$ and $\psi(2S)$
states from full lattice QCD,
Phys.Rev.D 94 (2016) 11, 114514.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1608.02340 /
T. Iritani, T. Doi, S. Aoki et al.,
Mirage in Temporal Correlation functions for Baryon-Baryon Interactions
in Lattice QCD,
JHEP 10 (2016) 101.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1607.06371 /
H. Nemura for HAL QCD Collaboration,
An implementation of hybrid parallel CUDA code for the hyperonic
nuclear forces,
PoS LATTICE2015 (2016) 031.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1604.07983 /
Y. Ikeda , S. Aoki , T. Doi et al. for HAL QCD Collaboration,
Fate of the Tetraquark Candidate Zc(3900) from Lattice QCD,
Phys.Rev.Lett. 117 (2016) 24, 242001.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1602.03465 /
LatKMI collaboration: Yasumichi Aoki , Tatsumi Aoyama , Ed Bennett et al.,
S-parameter and vector decay constant in QCD with eight fundamental
PoS LATTICE2015 (2016) 213.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1602.00796 /
Y. Aoki, T. Aoyama, E. Bennett et al.,
Walking and conformal dynamics in many-flavor QCD,
PoS LATTICE2015 (2016) 213.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1601.02287 /
T. Doi, S. Aoki, S. Gongyo et al.,
First results of baryon interactions from lattice QCD with physical
masses (1) -- General overview and two-nucleon forces --
PoS LATTICE2015 (2016) 086.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1512.01610 /
T. Inoue for HAL QCD Collaboration,
Nuclear physics from QCD on lattice,
PoS CD15 (2016) 020.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1511.04871 /
T. Umeda, S. Ejiri, R. Iwami, K. Kanaya,
Towards the QCD equation of state at the physical point using Wilson
PoS LATTICE2015 (2016) 209.
(using public ensembles on JLDG)
[ arXiv:1511.04649 /
H. Nemura,
Instructive discussion of an effective block algorithm for
baryon-baryon correlators,
Comput.Phys.Commun. 207 (2016) 91-104.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1510.00903 /
M. Hasegawa and A. Di Giacomo,
Chiral symmetry breaking, instantons, and monopoles,
PoS LATTICE2015 (2016) 313.
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1512.00359 /
A. M. Hasegawa, Di Giacomo, F. Pucci,
Chiral symmetry breaking and monopoles,
PoS CD2015 (2016) 127.
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1510.07463 /
K. Sasaki, S. Aoki, T. Doi et al.,
Coupled channel approach to strangeness S = -2 baryon-bayron
interactions in Lattice QCD,
PTEP 2015 (2015) 11, 113B01.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1504.01717 /
M. Yamada, K. Sasaki, S. Aoki et al. for HAL QCD Collaboration,
$\Omega\Omega$ interaction from 2+1 flavor lattice QCD,
PTEP 2015 (2015) 7, 071B01.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1503.03189 /
Y. Namekawa,
Comparative study of topological charge,
PoS LATTICE2014 (2015) 344,
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1501.06295 /
K. Sumiyoshi, T. Takiwaki, H. Matsufuru and S. Yamada,
Multi-dimensional Features of Neutrino Transfer in Core-Collapse
Astrophys.J.Suppl. 216 (2015) 5.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1403.4476 /
A. M. Hasegawa, Di Giacomo,
Instantons and Monopoles,
Phys. Rev. D 91 (2015) 054512.
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1501.06517 /
A. M. Hasegawa, Di Giacomo,
Zero modes of Overlap fermions, instantons, and monopoles,
PoS LATTICE2014 (2015) 341.
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1412.2702 /
F. Etminan, H. Nemura, S. Aoki et al.,
Spin-2 $N\Omega$ Dibaryon from Lattice QCD
Nucl.Phys.A 928 (2014) 89-98.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1403.7284 /
K. Murano for HAL-QCD Collaboration,
Quark mass dependence of Spin-Orbit force in parity-odd NN system from 2+1 flavor QCD,
PoS LATTICE2013 (2014) 235.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1312.1095 /
Y. Ikeda , B. Charron , S. Aoki et al.,
Charmed Tetraquarks Tcc and Tcs from Dynamical Lattice QCD Simulations,
Phys.Lett.B 729 (2014) 85-90.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1311.6214 /
T. Doi for HAL QCD Collaboration,
Cutoff effects on lattice nuclear forces,
PoS LATTICE2013 (2014) 226.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1311.2697 /
K. Murano, N. Ishii, S. Aoki et al.,
Spin-Orbit Force from Lattice QCD,
Phys.Lett.B 735 (2014) 19-24.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1305.2293 /
T. Doi for HAL QCD Collaboration,
Few-baryon interactions from lattice QCD
Few Body Syst. 54 (2013) 827-833.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1212.1606 /
S. Ozaki and S. Sasaki,
L\"uscher's finite size method with twisted boundary conditions:
an application to $J/\psi$-$\phi$ system to search for narrow resonance,
Phys.Rev.D 87 (2013) 1, 014506.
(citing JLDG)
[ arXiv:1211.5512 /
B. Charron for HAL QCD Collaboration,
Pion-pion interaction in the I=1 channel,
PoS LATTICE2012 (2012) 258.
(using public ensembles on JLDG)
[ arXiv:1212.6333 /
T. Doi for HAL QCD Collaboration,
Nuclear physics from lattice simulations,
PoS LATTICE2012 (2012) 009.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1212.1572 /
S. Aoki, T. Doi, T. Hatsuda et al., for HAL QCD Collaboration,
Lattice QCD approach to Nuclear Physics,
PTEP 2012 (2012) 01A105.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1206.5088 /
The HAL QCD Collaboration: N. Ishii , S. Aoki, T. Doi et al.,
Hadron-Hadron Interactions from Imaginary-time Nambu-Bethe-Salpeter
Wave Function on the Lattice,
Phys.Lett.B 712 (2012) 437-441.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1203.3642 /
T. Umeda, S. Aoki, S. Ejiri et al. for WHOT-QCD Collaboration,
Equation of state in 2+1 flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks
by the fixed scale approach,
Phys.Rev.D 85 (2012) 094508.
(using public ensembles on JLDG)
[ arXiv:1202.4719 /
T. Kawanai and S. Sasaki,
Charmonium potential from full lattice QCD,
Phys.Rev.D 85 (2012) 091503.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1110.0888 /
T. Doi for HAL QCD Collaboration,
The Lattice QCD Study of the Three-Nucleon Force,
AIP Conf.Proc. 1441 (2012) 1, 399-401.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1109.4748 /
T. Umeda, S. Aoki, S. Ejiri, T. Hatsuda, K. Kanaya, Y. Maezawa,
H. Ohno (WHOT-QCD Collaboration),
Thermodynamics in $2+1$ flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks
by the fixed scale approach,
PoS (LATTICE 2012) 074, pp.1-7 (2012).
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ DOI:10.22323/1.164.0074 /
Y. Maezawa, T. Umeda, S. Aoki, S. Ejiri, T. Hatsuda, K. Kanaya
and H. Ohno (WHOT-QCD Collaboration),
Application of fixed scale approach to static quark free
energies in quenched and $2 + 1$ flavor lattice QCD with improved
Wilson quark action,
Prog. Theor. Phys. 128, No.5, pp.955-970 (2012).
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ DOI:10.1143/PTP.128.955 /
S. Ejiri, K. Kanaya, and T. Umeda, for the WHOT-QCD Collaboration,
Ab initio study of the thermodynamics of quantum chromodynamics
on the lattice at zero and finite densities,
Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2012, 01A104, pp.1-35 (2012).
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ DOI:10.1093/ptep/pts005 /
T. Kawanai and S. Sasaki,
Interquark potential for the charmonium system with almost physical
quark masses,
PoS LATTICE2011 (2011) 126, Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys. 67 (2012) 130.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1111.0256 /
H. Nemura for HAL QCD Collaboration,
Baryon-baryon interaction of strangeness S=-1 sector
PoS LATTICE2011 (2011) 167.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1203.3320 /
T. Doi for HAL QCD Collaboration,
Three-Nucleon Forces explored by Lattice QCD Simulations,
PoS LATTICE2011 (2011) 151.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv: /
Y. Ikeda for HAL QCD Collaboration,
S-wave meson-baryon potentials with strangeness from Lattice QCD,
PoS LATTICE2011 (2011) 159.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1111.2663 /
Takumi Doi for HAL QCD Collaboration,
Exploring Three Nucleon Forces in Lattice QCD,
AIP Conf.Proc. 1388 (2011) 1, 636-639.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1105.6247 /
T. Hatsuda, Lattice Nuclear Force,
in From Nuclei to Stars: Festschrift in Honor of Gerald E Brown, 171-185 (2011).
(acknowledging and citing JLDG)
[ arXiv:1101.1463 /
T. Inoue, N. Ishii, S. Aoki et al. for HAL QCD Collaboration,
Bound H-dibaryon in Flavor SU(3) Limit of Lattice QCD,
Phys.Rev.Lett. 106 (2011) 162002.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1012.5928 /
K. Sasaki for HAL QCD collaboration,
Coupled channel approach to (S,I)=(-2,0) baryon-baryon interactions
from lattice QCD,
Few Body Syst. 50 (2011) 347-349.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1012.5684 /
G. Beckett, B. Joo, C.M. Maynard et al.,
Building the International Lattice Data Grid,
Comput.Phys.Commun. 182 (2011) 1208-1214.
[ arXiv:/0910.1692 /
H. Ohno, S. Aoki, S. Ejiri, K. Kanaya, Y. Maezawa, H. Saito
and T. Umeda (WHOT-QCD Collaboration),
Charmonium spectral functions with the variational method
in zero and finite temperature lattice QCD,
Phys. Rev. D 84, 094504, pp.1-13 (2011).
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ DOI:10.1103/PhysRevD.84.094504 /
T. Umeda, S. Aoki, K. Kanaya, H. Ohno, S. Ejiri, T. Hatsuda, Y. Maezawa (WHOT-QCD Collaboration),
EOS in $2+1$ flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks by the fixed-scale approach,
PoS (LATTICE 2010) 218, pp.1-7 (2011).
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ DOI:10.22323/1.105.0218 /
H. Ohno, S. Aoki, S. Ejiri, K. Kanaya, Y. Maezawa, H. Saito, T. Umeda (WHOT-QCD Collaboration),
An application of the variational analysis to calculate the meson spectral functions,
PoS (LATTICE 2010) , ref.209, pp.1-7 (2011).
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ DOI:10.22323/1.105.0209 /
S. Ejiri, Y. Nakagawa, S. Aoki, K. Kanaya, H. Ohno, H. Saito, T. Hatsuda, Y. Maezawa, T. Umeda (WHOT-QCD
Scaling behavior of chiral phase transition in two-flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks at finite
PoS (LATTICE 2010) 181, pp.1-7 (2011).
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ DOI:10.22323/1.105.0181 /
K. Kanaya,
Finite Temperature QCD on the Lattice -- Status 2010,
PoS (LATTICE 2010) 012, pp.1-21 (2011).
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ DOI:10.22323/1.105.0012 /
K. Kanaya,
Lattice results on the phase structure and equation of state in QCD at finite temperature,
AIP Conference Proceedings 1343, pp.57-62 (2011).
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ DOI:10.1063/1.3574942 /
K. Sasaki for HAL QCD collaboration,
Lattice QCD study of baryon-baryon interactions in the (S,I)=(-2,0)
system using the coupled-channel formalism,
PoS LATTICE2010 (2010) 157.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1012.5685 /
T. Inoue for HAL QCD Collaboration,
Flavor structure of the baryon-baryon interaction from lattice QCD,
PoS LATTICE2010 (2010) 144.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1011.1695 /
T. Doi for HAL QCD Collaboration,
The study of the Three Nucleon Force in full QCD Lattice calculations,
PoS LATTICE2010 (2010) 136.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1011.0657 /
T. Inoue, N. Ishii, S. Aoki et al.,
Baryon-Baryon Interactions in the Flavor SU(3) Limit from Full QCD Simulations on the Lattice,
Prog.Theor.Phys. 124 (2010) 591-603.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:1007.3559 /
Y. Ikeda , S. Aoki , T. Doi et al.,
Kaon-Nucleon potential from lattice QCD,
EPJ Web Conf. 3 (2010) 03007.
(using public ensembles on JLDG)
[ arXiv:1002.2309 /
K. Kanaya, S. Aoki, S. Ejiri, T. Hatsuda, N. Ishii, Y. Maezawa, H. Ohno, H. Saito, N. Ukita, T. Umeda (WHOT-QCD
QCD thermodynamics at zero and finite densities with improved Wilson quarks,
Progr. Theor. Phys. Suppl. , No.186, pp.556-562 (2010).
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ DOI:10.1143/PTPS.186.556 /
S. Ejiri, Y. Maezawa, N. Ukita, S. Aoki, T. Hatsuda, N. Ishii, K. Kanaya, T. Umeda (WHOT-QCD Collaboration),
Equation of State and Heavy-Quark Free Energy at Finite Temperature and Density in Two Flavor Lattice QCD with
Wilson Quark Action,
Phys. Rev. D 82, No.1, ref.014508, pp.1-35 (2010).
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ DOI:10.1103/PhysRevD.82.014508 /
T. Inoue for HAL QCD Collaboration,
Baryon-baryon potentials in the flavor SU(3) limit from lattice QCD,
PoS LAT2009 (2009) 133.
(using public ensembles on JLDG)
[ arXiv:0911.2305 /
K. Kanaya, S. Aoki, H. Ohno et al.,
Towards the equation of state in 2+1 flavor QCD with improved
Wilson quarks in the fixed scale approach,
PoS LAT2009 (2009) 190.
(using public ensembles on JLDG)
[ arXiv:0910.5284 /
Y. Maezawa, S. Aoki, S. Ejiri et al. (WHOT-QCD Collaboration),
Heavy-quark free energy at finite temperature with $2+1$ flavors
of improved Wilson quarks in fixed scale approach,
PoS LAT2009 (2009) 167.
(not acknowledging JLDG)
[ DOI:10.22323/1.091.0165 /
T. Onogi, Progress in lattice QCD
in Heavy Quarks and Leptons 2008 (HQ&L08).
(using public ensembles on JLDG)
[ arXiv:0906.2344 /
T. Yoshie,
Making use of the International Lattice Data Grid
PoS LATTICE2008 (2008) 019.
arXiv:0812.0849 /
H. Ohki, H. Fukaya, S. Hashimoto et al.,
Calculation of the nucleon sigma term and strange quark content
with two flavors of dynamical overlap fermions,
PoS LATTICE2008 (2008) 126.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:0810.4223 /
H. Ohki, H. Fukaya, S. Hashimoto et al.,
Nucleon sigma term and strange quark content from lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry,
Phys.Rev.D 78 (2008) 054502.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:0806.4744 /
H. Ohki, H. Matsufuru, T. Onogi,
Determination of B*B pi coupling in unquenched QCD,
Phys.Rev.D 77 (2008) 094509.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:0802.1563 /
G. Beckett, P. Coddington, N. Ishii et al.,
Towards an interoperable International Lattice Datagrid,
PoS LATTICE2007 (2007) 044.
[ arXiv:0711.4852 /
H. Ohki, H. Matsufuru, T. Onogi,
High precision study of B*B pi coupling in unquenched QCD,
PoS LATTICE2007 (2007) 365.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ ArXiv::0711.0245 /
H. Matsufuru,
Exploring the chiral regime with dynamical overlap fermions,
PoS LATTICE2007 (2007) 018.
(acknowledging JLDG)
[ arXiv:0710.4225 /
C. DeTar,
Sharing lattices throughout the world: an ILDG status report,
PoS LATTICE2007 (2007) 009.
[ arXiv:0710.1660
P.Coddington, B.Joo, C.M.Maynard et al.,
Marking up lattice QCD configurations and ensembles
PoS LATTICE2007 (2007) 048.
(referring to ensembles on JLDG)
[ arXiv:0710.0230 /
Last update: 4 November 2024, H. Ohno