2+1 flavor full QCD configurations for nuclei calculation

The 2+1 flavor full QCD configurations listed below are generated by T. Yamazaki et al. on supercomputers

Simulation parameters

These gauge configurations are generated with a renormalization-group improved gauge action and a non-perturbatively O(a) improved clover quark action at beta = 6/g2=1.90, corresponding to lattice spacing of a \approx 0.09 fm. The scale a is fixed by experimental values of Mpi, MK, MOmega. The u,d quark masses correspond to Mpi \approx 0.5 GeV, and the s quark mass is chosen to be the physical one. We have four ensembles corresponding to four lattice sizes, 323x48, 403x48, 483x48, and 643x64.

Simulations are carried out with domain-decomposed hybrid Monte Carlo (DDHMC) algorithm for u,d quarks and UV-filtered polynomial hybrid Monte Carlo (UVPHMC) algorithm for s quark. The table below shows values of a, La and simulation parameters, tau: trajectory length, (N0,N1,N2): numbers of steps for one trajectory, Npoly: polynomial order for PHMC and Replay: on/off of replay trick. For details, see the papers cited below.

ensemble # beta cSW a [fm] Kud
La [fm] tau (N0,N1,N2) Npoly Replay
1 1.90 1.715 0.0907(13) 0.1373316
323x48 2.902(42) 1.0 (2,2,10) 260 off
2 403x48 3.628(52) 1.0 (2,2,15) 320 off
3 483x48 4.354(62) 1.0 (2,2,16) 320 off
4 643x64 5.805(83) 1.0 (2,2,18) 340 off

Configuration ensembles

The table below gives a list of ensembles of configurations. A consecutive set of DDHMC+UVPHMC trajectories for a given value of beta, cSW, Kud, Ks on a particular lattice size is called an ensemble. A series name (gM and hM) is given to distinguish multiple DDHMC+UVPHMC runs.

ensemble # beta Kud Ks cSW lattice
series traj. range missing
stored at
#config total
1 1.90 0.1373316 0.1367526 1.715 323x48 gM 001400-005410 -- 10 402 402 0.8440.331
2 1.90 0.1373316 0.1367526 1.715 403x48 gM 000770-002830 -- 10 207 207 1.6480.333
3 1.90 0.1373316 0.1367526 1.715 483x48 gM 000410-002400 -- 10 200 200 2.8480.556
4 1.90 0.1373316 0.1367526 1.715 643x64 gM
327 9.0002.874

Naming of Ensembles and Configurations (for ILDG users)

An ensemble is identified by markovChainURI named e.g. as A configuration is labeled by dataLFN named e.g. as Basename of the dataLFN is formmated as
RgClover spatial size x temporal size _ \beta\kappa_ud\kappa_s\c_sw - series - trajectory number

To get full list of markovChainURIs and LFNs, please use QCDml faceted navigation.

Location of Configurations (for JLDG users)

Configurations are placed in the gfarm directory
and classified in terms of β and κud, κs. For example, the directory
contains configurations at β=1.900 and κud=0.1373316 κs=0.1367526. Filename is the same as basename of dataLFN. All ensemble and configuration XML files can be found in

Last update: 26 July 2022, H.Ohno